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Rules and Policies





Important items to pack: 

  • Government-issued photo ID.  This is a standard requirement at nudist establishments.  Everyone coming onto the grounds must have their ID scanned into the system, no exceptions.

  • Towel(s).  While at EH, guests are expected to carry a towel with them and to always use the towel when sitting on surfaces for sanitary reasons.

  • Sunscreen.  Don’t let your day be spoiled by too much sun!

  • Hat for shade.  Ditto

  • Sneakers for walking.  In case you want to take a walk around the nature trail or play a game of pickleball.

  • Up-to-date vaccination records for any pets.

  • Your smile.  It’s time to relax and have fun!


Leave at home: 

  • Glass bottles and glassware.  As many people enjoy walking barefoot around the property, please leave your glass containers at home.  This includes beer bottles, wine bottles, wine glasses, etc.  They are not allowed anywhere on the grounds.

  • Cameras/devices shooting photos & video (includes cell phones and drones).  Our guests' privacy and security is of the utmost importance.  All cameras, cell phones/tablets/laptops/any other devices with photographic or video-taking capabilities are not permitted unless a special request is made and accompanied by an EMPIRE HAVEN ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION (EHAA) OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER.  Photos of authorized photographers are posted in the Clubhouse.  All authorized photographers should ask for permission before taking any pictures/videos, and at the discretion of the photographer guests may be required to sign a permission form at that time if they consent to have their picture/video taken.  Any photographic-capable equipment not approved by management may be confiscated. Cell phones/tablets/laptops are not to be used in the pool/sunning areas at all, please leave at your site or parking area.

  • Pets who are not well-mannered.  While we are animal-lovers – in order to keep the EH experience great for everyone – any pets who are aggressive or noisemakers should not be brought to Empire Haven.  Additionally, guests who intend to leave their pets alone for long periods of time should rethink bringing them to Empire Haven. 

  • Body piercings, adornments, and tattoos that are sexual in nature, and/or contain profanity are not allowed.

  • Bathing suits and provocative clothing.  Nudity is not about calling attention to certain body parts and is not sexual in nature.  Intimate apparel such as thongs, lingerie, G-strings, bikinis, and bathing suits are considered inappropriate attire.




Everyone’s here to have a good time!  With that in mind, the following rules are intended to help our guests have a great experience. We are a family-oriented park and expect your conduct on the grounds to reflect the moral standards of a family campground. Empire Haven welcomes everyone; we do not discriminate based on Race, Religion, Creed, Sexuality, Age, Marital Status or Nationality. Anyone incapable of showing tolerance for other people and their beliefs is not welcome here at Empire Haven. If management feels that any conduct is inappropriate, you will be asked to leave the campground immediately.


​Alcohol.  Alcoholic beverages are permitted in moderation only and not allowed in the Pool, Hot Tub, or Sauna areas.
Glass bottles/containers are prohibited in any areas of campground.  Intoxication will not be tolerated.


Behavior.  Most important to keep in mind, Empire Haven is a family-friendly nudist campground.  Please abstain from behaviors that wouldn’t be acceptable in front of children.  Any overt sexual behavior, violence (either physical or verbal), questionable conduct with children, or any other behavior which threatens, offends or embarrasses others may result in the guest being asked to leave.  If it is illegal outside of Empire Haven, it is also illegal inside of Empire Haven (i.e. underage drinking, illegal drugs, etc.).  Although marijuana has recently become legal in New York State, it is not allowed at Empire Haven.


Cameras/devices shooting photos & video (includes cell phones and drones).  Our guests' privacy and security is of the utmost importance.  All cameras, cell phones/tablets/laptops/any other devices with photographic or video-taking capabilities are not permitted unless a special request is made and accompanied by an EMPIRE HAVEN EVENTS COMMITTEE OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER.  Photos of authorized photographers are posted in the Clubhouse.  All authorized photographers should ask for permission before taking any pictures/videos, and at the discretion of the photographer guests may be required to sign a permission form at that time if they consent to have their picture/video taken.  Any photographic-capable equipment not approved by management may be confiscated. Cell phones/tablets/laptops are not to be used in the pool/sunning areas, please leave at your site or parking area.


Children/teenagers/parents.  Parents/guardians are responsible for the conduct and safety of any minor child in their care and must supervise them AT ALL TIMES.  Children under the age of 13 must be in the company of a parent/guardian over the age of 18. For everyone’s safety, parents/guardians should ensure that their children do not run through campsites, between campers, or play in the roads or restrooms.  Children under the age of 18 have a 10pm curfew, with the exception of being accompanied by an adult or for the purpose of employment.


Dress/accessories/tattoos.  We dress and undress for comfort. We are a clothing-optional park, however, you are expected to be nude in the hot tub, sauna, and pool areas.  Management does recognize there are times in our lives that we cannot go nude for one reason or another and may permit, at its discretion, a temporary exemption from this rule to a known nudist from time to time.  Intimate apparel such as thongs, lingerie, G-strings, bikinis, and bathing suits are considered inappropriate attire. Management can use their discretion on all other forms of clothing and accessories in deciding if it is appropriate attire, jewelry, towels, etc.  Nudity is not about calling attention to certain body parts and is not sexual in nature.  Body piercings, adornments, and tattoos that are sexual in nature and/or contain profanity are not allowed.


Firearms.  No firearms, fireworks, air rifles, or air guns allowed on the grounds.


Glass bottles and glassware.  As many people enjoy walking barefoot around the property, please leave your glass containers at home.  This includes beer bottles, wine bottles, wine glasses, etc.  They are not allowed anywhere on the grounds.


Pets.  Please consider that not everyone loves animals and since nudists are more exposed than clothed people, special care should be taken to ensure that pets do not provide other guests with unwanted attention (jumping up, scratching, etc.).  All pets must have proof of a current rabies vaccination and should be up-to-date on all vaccinations.  In order to keep the EH experience great for everyone – any pets who are not well-mannered (including those who are aggressive or noisemakers) should not be brought to Empire Haven.  Additionally, people who intend to leave their pets alone for long periods of time should rethink bringing them to Empire Haven. Pets must be on a leash at all times unless they are inside a camper or tent.  Pets may not be tied up at walkways, propane tanks, picnic tables, community buildings, or any other place that leaves a pet alone in a public area.  Owners should also ensure that pets have access to basic needs during hot summer days:  food, water, shelter/shade/way to cool down.  Pets are not allowed in the pool (pool, hot tubs, sauna) or sunning areas, inside structures where people eat (Clubhouse, Pavilion), or on any sporting court, unless they are a service dog.  Please do not allow pets to relieve themselves in common areas or behind a trailer, as many people here like to walk barefoot!  The best area for this is in the overflow upper field.  The owners should clean up after their pets’ messes immediately (this includes carrying a bag at all times to pick up their poop). 


Problems.  If you feel someone is not following a rule, breaking the law, or anything else you may feel is wrong in any way, DO NOT take matters into your own hands.  Talk to MANAGEMENT, explain the situation and let them handle the matter the way they see fit. Individual interpretation and policing of the laws, rules, and regulations can lead to unnecessary conflicts.  Management will protect your identity in the handling of any and all complaints.


Profanity/disturbance/theft.  Appropriate language is required at all times.  Foul language and/or obnoxious behavior will not be permitted.  Anyone creating a disturbance or caught stealing will be instructed to leave the campground and may be subject to criminal prosecution.


Property damage.  Property damage to our campground is cause for IMMEDIATE REMOVAL. Malicious and/or willful destruction of property in any part of the campground will be grounds for removal and prosecution.  Management reserves the right to remove anyone from the campground at anytime for any violation of this rule. 


Quiet time.  [From 10PM to 9AM weekdays, and 11:30PM to 10AM weekends/holidays.]  Please be considerate of fellow members and guests.  Some people are early birds, some people are night owls, and some have to go to work in the morning.  During quiet time, avoid using anything that causes loud noises, such as music devices, loud golf carts, or power tools.  Please move loud conversations indoors or utilize the clubhouse, open 24/7 to host any late night activities.


Registration.  All visitors and guests must register upon arrival. A valid government-issued photo ID is required for all visitors/guests and will be copied and kept on file.


Smoking/vaping.  We have adopted a NO SMOKING/VAPING policy for the public campground areas to respect the rights of all non-smokers, and to come into compliance with current NYS smoking laws.  Smoking (including cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, and vaping) is only allowed in the designated Smoking area and on private sites so long as it does not to interfere with neighboring sites.  Smoking is not permitted in any rental units.  Although marijuana has recently become legal in New York State, it is not allowed at Empire Haven.


Social websites.  Privacy is the utmost importance to many of our members. Please be conscious of not posting anything on anyone’s personal pages about their association with Empire Haven. 


Towels.  Carry a towel with you at all times and please ALWAYS SIT ON YOUR TOWEL FOR SANITARY REASONS.


Trash & recyclables.  Trash is to be put in a clear plastic bag and placed in Garbage Only Dumpster. Cleaned recyclables (not in bags) should be placed in recyclable dumpster (glass, tin, plastic, cardboard and non-glossy paper).  Boxes should be broken down before being placed in recyclable dumpster.  $.05 deposit cans go in recycle shed or one of many collection barrels.  If you do not wish to separate your garbage, take it with you. There is no burning of trash allowed at sites.


Vehicles.  Once on the grounds, personal vehicles are to remain parked either at your campsite or in the Day Parking area near the flagpole.  Personal vehicles are not to be used as golf carts unless special permission has been received by management first.  All vehicles should be driven on the roads as much as possible, especially when the grounds are wet.  Loud vehicles of any type should not be driven after 11:30pm or before 10am in keeping with quiet hours.  Speed limit is 10 mph at all times.  Avoid blocking driveways, walkways and roads.  Golf carts and utility vehicles are permitted on club property and require proof of insurance, including liability.  Anyone driving their golf cars to the Clubhouse or pool areas should park them at the upper end of the pool area near the Khaki Shack; handicapped parking is available in front of sauna, on the South end of the pool area, as well as in front of Khaki Shack at North end of pool area.  Never Drink and Drive.  


WiFi.  WiFi is now available for free with a ticket code from the Front Desk.  However, this is meant for checking email and doing banking, not streaming video or music. 







Empire Haven does not have a lifeguard onsite.  In accordance with New York State, please ensure that these rules are followed:


  1. The pool use should not exceed 86 people.

  2. There is no lifeguard onsite.

  3. No swimming alone.  A minimum of two adults, 18 years of age or older must be present whenever the swimming facility is in use.

  4. There is no substitute for adequate supervision.  Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied to the swimming facility by a parent or guardian (an adult who is responsible for the children and their behavior).  Parents/guardians should ALWAYS be watching their children while in the pool and take responsibility for their family knowing and following the rules.  Children who are not potty-trained need to wear swim diapers.  The divider line must be up when children are in the pool (children must be on the shallow side).

  5. No food or drink (with the exception of bottled water) is allowed inside the hot tubs, pool, or sauna in the fenced-in pool area.  Food and drink may be consumed outside the fenced-in area or on the upper deck patio of the Clubhouse.  Don’t drink alcohol and swim.

  6. Shower before getting into the pool or hot tub.  A soap shower should be taken before entering the pool or hot tubs to get rid of any substances on the skin (i.e. sunscreen) that may affect the chemical levels of our pool and hot tubs.  The rinse station in the pool area is intended for a quick rinse before getting into the pool or hot tubs – not for full showers.  For our guests’ convenience, we have showers in the Clubhouse, as well as around the campground for grooming. Anyone caught using the Pool or Hot Tubs without taking a shower first will lose both their pool and hot tub privileges.

  7. Strollers and baby carriages are not allowed in the pool or hot tub areas. Personal lounges/chairs are permitted in the grassy sunning areas only and should be removed when you leave the area for the day.

  8. In case of an emergency, notify staff and contact help as soon as possible.  A telephone will be provided at the Clubhouse or office to contact 911 for the nearest emergency services (ambulance, police, fire dept. or hospital).

  9. Only use this facility during posted hours of operation. The pool will be closed whenever the cover is on.

  10. Flotation devices are only allowed in the pool on non-busy days and must be of reasonable size so as not to impede others' enjoyment of the pool.   No ball sports are allowed in the pool.


Never Been to a Nudist Establishment Before? 

Click here to learn more before coming to Empire Haven.


5947 Sun Lane

Moravia, NY 13118



Closed to the public until May 15, 2025

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